Log into ENgage
In the My Organisations box, select the thumbnail next to your organisation’s name
Select the Finance button (available in the nine small squares, located to the top left-hand side of your screen) :
Select Membership Schemes from the menu (located on the left-hand side of the screen)
Select the circle adjacent to the membership package that you wish to amend (for example, “Over 18 Membership Package” and click Edit (located in the top right-hand side of the screen) :
In the Prices box, select the small pen and paper symbol (located directly under the 2024-2025 row) :
In the Unit Price field, enter the amount that you would like to charge.
Note: Please DO NOT change the “Effective From” or “Effective To” dates or edit any other field. :
Click Save :
Repeat steps 4-8 for each membership scheme that you wish to amend.
If you need further support editing your club fees, please contact England Netball’s Customer Experience team here.